Contact Us

Headteacher: Ms E Barns

Coombe Girls' School Clarence Avenue, New Malden, Surrey, KT3 3TU

Tel: 020 8942 1242

Email: [email protected]

If you need any paper copies of our website information or if you are a data subject featuring on one of our photos/videos and you would like for it to be removed, please contact us via our enquiries email address below or by filling the contact form on this page.


Head of Years & Teacher List (2024-2025)

Contact Form

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Coombe Girls' School: Mrs Bateman manages the enquiries inbox - 6

Tel: 020 8942 1242

Ms Clark: Designated Safeguarding Lead - 6

Tel: 020 8942 1242

SENCo: Ms Arhin - 6

Tel: 0208 942 1242

Headteacher's Office - 6

Coombe Academy Trust CEO: Esther Brooks - 6

Tel: 020 8949 1537