Starting at Coombe

Welcome to Year 7

BerthanMessage from Miss Davies, Head of Y7
The move to secondary school is a very important time in every young person’s life. While it is undoubtedly a very exciting time, it can also feel a confusing and overwhelming one, especially after the disrupted year we have experienced. Here at Coombe, we aim to make the transition as smooth and easy as possible.

We know that our students achieve their best when they feel confident and happy in school, this is the focus of our fantastic team of Year 7 tutors when we welcome our new cohort in September. Our students are recognised as individuals and I am excited to get to know your child and do what I can to support her progress throughout her time at Coombe.

At Coombe, every pupil is an important and valued part of our community. We strive to ensure that each of our students is given the opportunity to thrive both academically and personally. It is vital that home and school work together to secure pupil learning, and we value frequent positive communication with parents.

I hope that you will feel able to contact your child’s form tutor or myself should you have any queries regarding her education or welfare.

I look forward to working together to secure the best future possible for your child.

Miss Davies, Head of Year 7 (2024-2025)




Our Chromebooks Programme

All our students are part of our Chromebooks Programme, find out more here.

Y7 Student Voice

We thought the best way for you to get an idea of what it was like to start as a new Year 7 student at Coombe was to ask our current pupils to write a blog of their first week.



The day had finally arrived – it was my first day of secondary school. I was so excited and I just couldn’t wait to step outside in my new, shiny school shoes ready to start my journey to Coombe Girls’ School! I was feeling a tiny bit nervous but that feeling was soon overcome as it was only the Year 7s gathered outside the huge Coombe Girls’ School building. At 10am all of the anxious year 7s, including me, rushed into school all dressed smartly in bottle green- it looked like an emerald sea coming through the doors!

I arrived in the massive school hall where we were split into our tutor groups. We had an interesting assembly giving us a warm welcome to the school and encouraging us to take advantage of all the eye-opening opportunities that the school has to offer.

Back in the form room, it already felt like I had been there for ages as my form tutor gave me a kind and welcoming smile. During the first part of the day, the rules were covered and we did a mind-boggling quiz – the topics were about Geography, TV/Film, Music. After that, diaries, maps and calendars were handed out so we could organise ourselves completely.

Overall, it was an exciting day and I really think I will settle into Coombe Girls’ School fantastically!



Yesterday we all arrived ready to go, dressed in our new uniforms which looked extremely smart on us. When we got in, our tutor was waiting in the hall and we sat down and had an assembly. Then, we were taken to our tutor rooms.

During the day we were assigned our lockers and seats. It was really exciting! To make the day even more brilliant we got our new diaries. Later on, we had an assembly from our Head of Year about saying ‘yes’ to new activities. All in all, the day was fabulous and everybody who started nervously was no longer scared of this big step into the future!

Maybe even though going around the school is still a little confusing I will soon know everything!



On my first day of secondary school I was extremely nervous! I had so many questions that I wanted to ask. After Summer School, which I had attended a few days before, I felt reassured but a little apprehensive.

I arrived at Coombe Girls’ School at 10am along with all the other year 7s. We all went into the hall and were then led to our tutor rooms. Our homework diaries were given out along with a map of the school. I was pleased that it was only Year 7s there and not the older years. Everything was explained to me. It was still a little confusing – I swear that I only took in a quarter of what I was told!

All of a sudden, I wasn’t being babied anymore and the responsibility was piling on top of me! I tried to enjoy lunch and break time but I was always keen to check the time – then it hit me – I needed a watch!

After arriving at my tutor room several minutes early, we were given some more information from our tutor and before I knew it, it was home time!

I had been so nervous and scared the day before but it was much easier than expected. It was a brilliant introduction to secondary school and to Coombe Girls’.

“How easy is it to settle into Year 7?

Really easy. Everyone’s friendly, the teachers are very welcoming, and the My Journey project was great fun and good for making friends. Plus there are lots of activities to get involved in straight away, and you quickly learn to find your way around and feel at home.”

Y6 Zone

Welcome to the Coombe Family - or as we like to call it, our COOMBEUNITY!

You must be really excited to have chosen Coombe Girls' School as your secondary school.

You can expect to work within an atmosphere that is friendly, supportive and one that will ensure that you can learn effectively whilst feeling safe.

As you will have experienced some unusual times in primary school over the past few years, we want to reassure you that our curriculum and pastoral systems were adapted accordingly to provide you with the best possible support so that you can settle into your new school quickly.

It has been great to see you come into Coombe this term. 
This section will give you some great information to help you join our school in September.

What to wear to school

The uniform is available from School Zone on the third floor of the Bentalls Centre in Kingston-Upon-Thames or online which you can access from the button below. Full details of our uniform can be found on our Uniform page.

Click here to access School ZoneKnow Your Uniform

What to bring to school

Your School Day

The school day starts at 8.30am and ends at 3.00pm.

Your lessons are 60 minutes long.

School is open to you from 8am where you can grab a delicious breakfast.

You do need to leave the school by 3.30pm every day unless they are studying in the LRC or have an extra-curricular club in school that day.

Your timetable will be made up of five 60 minute lessons that we guarantee will be full of fun, will challenge you and will leave you wanting more.

We have a two week timetable at Coombe. Week A and Week B.


Please see the times of each period and break by clicking on the button below.

​Times of the School Day

Where to eat

What can you buy at Coombe and where can you get it from?

Firstly you MUST stay in school for breaktime and lunchtime.

You have three choices for your lunch:

  • There is a self-service Cafeteria where the girls can purchase a range of hot food.

  • There is a healthy eating menu available at the Planet Café which is located next to the LRC.

  • We have an outdoor food serving station called the Food Cube providing snacks.

You can bring a packed lunch from home, which can be eaten in the hall, designated tutor rooms, the canteen (if the tutor rooms are not available), or outside in good weather.

  • The meat used in the main meal each day is halal.

  • You need to pay for your food using a card identification system and your parents will need to pay for this using Parent Pay. This means that you wont queue for long to get your food.

  • If you bring any drinks into school they should only be in containers which are not glass. Make sure you drink plenty of water during the day. There are several points where they can refill your water bottles at break and lunchtime. Water is the only drink allowed in lessons.

You are not allowed off the premises unless you have a note signed by your parent/carer that has been approved by your tutor and Head of Year. When leaving in these circumstance, you must sign out and present your diary to reception.


Find out more about our catering services and our menus


How will I find my way around?

You will get lost at some point during the first term. Coombe Girls School is much bigger than your Primary School. We have a large number of classrooms and specialist areas.

Classrooms used by the same subject are usually grouped together in the same part of the school.

Coombe staff and pupils are very happy to help you find your classroom so please DO NOT WORRY. Just ask someone.

Here is a map to help you.

Site Map