The study of Latin provides students with a chance to examine and understand fundamental linguistic concepts; this benefits their understanding of Latin whilst also providing a basis for the study of other languages. We strive to encourage students to be able to work with precision and accuracy so that they can develop the skills needed to explore Latin with comprehension and enjoyment.
Latin is studied in Years 7 and 8 by all students in Eliot, Rossetti and Wilson. In Years 9 and 10, Latin becomes an after-school option, with the chance to achieve a GCSE by the end of Year 10. In Latin, we focus on four main areas – vocabulary, reading, roman civilisation and grammar. As well as learning a new language, the course aims to help you to extend your English vocabulary (through studying Latin root words and derivations), support your knowledge of modern languages (through related Latin grammar) and complement your skills in history (through the study of ancient civilisation).
Cambridge Latin –
Games and grammar practice –
Vocabulary, further reading, introduction to Roman literature –
Providing your child with a Latin to English dictionary.
Cambridge Latin grammar book.
Regular vocabulary testing – which can be found that the end of each stage of the textbook.
Visits to the British Museum, Fishbourne Roman Palace, Sir John Soane’s Museum.